
Type Definitions


Name Type Attributes Description
tourMenu string <optional>
A custom tour menu title
videoTourMenu string <optional>
A custom video tour menu title
forceChildren boolean <optional>
Force instantiation of the Children module
crossfadeDuration number <optional>
Duration in seconds for image crossfades
centerX360 number <optional>
The X center point for 360 image
orientation number <optional>
The viewer's starting orientation in degrees
direction number <optional>
The 360 photograph's absolute direction in degrees
canvasEmbeds boolean <optional>
Force marker embed images to be drawn inside Micrio WebGL canvas
scripts Array.<string> <optional>
An array of JavaScript uris to load for this Micrio instance
styles Array.<string> <optional>
An array of CSS uris to load for this Micrio instance
Optional custom Micrio settings that do something
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
id string The image ID, required
settings MicrioArgumentsSettingsData <optional>
A custom settings object
lang string <optional>
The language to load the image in
view Array.<number> <optional>
The starting image viewport
path string <optional>
The image asset base path
width number <optional>
The original image width
height number <optional>
The original image height
isPng boolean <optional>
The tiles are PNG format
isWebP boolean <optional>
The tiles are WebP format
isSecondary boolean <optional>
The image is secondary
isSpace boolean <optional>
Image is used in a Space
tilesId string <optional>
Alternative image asset base path
prevMicrio Micrio <optional>
The previous Micrio instance
Micrio arguments
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
_markers MicrioInfoMarkerSettingsData <optional>
Optional marker settings
_meta CustomJSON <optional>
Freeform custom JSON settings
_360 MicrioInfo360SettingsData <optional>
Optional settings for 360 images/video
legacyTiles boolean <optional>
Use this for old (<1.8) versions of Micrio
infoUrl string <optional>
Use a custom uri for the info json file
opacity number <optional>
Start the image in this opacity
static boolean <optional>
This is a static, non-animated image
thumbSrc string <optional>
Use a custom thumbnail image uri
singleSource string <optional>
Use a custom, single source uri for the zoomable image / video
autoInit boolean <optional>
Automatically initialize the image (defaults to true)
initType string <optional>
The starting viewport. Possible values ['cover'|'contain']. Defaults to 'contain'
lazyload boolean <optional>
Initialize the loading when the container is scrolled into view (default: false)
noExternals boolean <optional>
Don't load any custom JS or CSS scripts
skipMeta boolean <optional>
Don't load metadata (markers, tours, etc)
fadeBetween boolean <optional>
Do a crossfade when navigating between images (default: true)
type string <optional>
A non-standard image type. Currently supported ['dz']
camspeed number <optional>
The camera animation speed (default: 1)
keepRendering boolean <optional>
Don't stop drawing frames when idle
limitToCoverScale boolean <optional>
The user cannot zoom out more than a fully covered view
restrict Array.<number> <optional>
Restrict navigation to this viewport ([x0,y0,x1,y1])
focus Array.<number> <optional>
Load the image focussed on this coordinate ([x, y])
view Array.<number> <optional>
The starting viewport ([x0,y0,x1,y1])
zoomLimit number <optional>
The maximum zoom level in % of the original (default: 1)
zoomLimitDPRFix boolean <optional>
Adjust the maximum zoom of high DPI screens to that of regular displays
repeatX boolean <optional>
Infinitely repeat the image horizontally
freeMove boolean <optional>
Allow the user to pan and zoom out of image bounds
resetView boolean <optional>
When navigating back to this image, reset the initial view
watchAreaAttr boolean <optional>
Dynamically watch the "area" HTML-attribute for updating the viewport
noRetina boolean <optional>
Turn off support for high DPI screens
noOffset boolean <optional>
Disregard any relative page placement of the Micrio HTML element
hookEvents boolean <optional>
Hook user events (default: true)
hookKeys boolean <optional>
Hook keyboard controls (default: false)
noZoom boolean <optional>
Don't allow the user to zoom in or out
hookScroll boolean <optional>
Use the mousewheel or trackpad scrolling for zooming (default: true)
hookPinch boolean <optional>
Allow pinch to zoom on touch devices (default: true)
hookDrag boolean <optional>
Allow panning through the image (default: true)
dragElasticity number <optional>
Kinetic dragging sensitivity (default: 1)
trackState boolean <optional>
Update the URL with current viewport and active marker/tour
twoFingerPan boolean <optional>
Force two-finger panning on touch devices (default: false)
controlZoom boolean <optional>
Force using the CTRL/CMD-keys to zoom in using scrolling (default: false)
noUI boolean <optional>
Don't load any UI elements
noControls boolean <optional>
Don't show any controls in the UI
fullscreen boolean <optional>
Show a fullscreen button if supported
noLogo boolean <optional>
Don't show the Micrio logo on the top left
noOrgLogo boolean <optional>
Don't show the organisation logo on the top right
noToolbar boolean <optional>
Don't show the menu bar with tours and custom pages
noScaler boolean <optional>
Don't show a measurement scaler if physical sizes are known
showInfo boolean <optional>
Show an info modal with the image title and description
social boolean <optional>
Show a social sharing button
backgroundColor boolean <optional>
The default background color (default: transparent)
alwaysShowMinimap boolean <optional>
Don't fade out the minimap (default: false)
minimap boolean <optional>
Show the minimap (default: true)
minimapWidth number <optional>
The minimap maximum width, in px (default: 200)
minimapHeight number <optional>
The minimap maximum height, in px (default: 160)
doTourJumps boolean <optional>
More natural camera zooming animation during transitions
audio boolean <optional>
Enable the audio controller (default: true)
audioElement HTMLAudioElement <optional>
A custom HTML <audio> element used to play marker and tour audio
forceAudio boolean <optional>
Force initializing the audio controller
startVolume number <optional>
The starting audio volume [0-1] (default: 1)
musicVolume number <optional>
The music audio volume [0-1] (default: 1)
mutedVolume number <optional>
The audio volume when other media is playing [0-1] (default: 0)
muteOnBlur boolean <optional>
Mute the audio when the current browser tab loses focus
markersScale boolean <optional>
All markers are scaled
clusterMarkers boolean <optional>
Overlapping markers are clustered
cmPerPx number <optional>
The physical resolution of the object in cm per px
cmWidth number <optional>
The physical width of the object in cm
cmHeight number <optional>
The physical height of the object in cm
mapLimit Array.<number> <optional>
When using a map, limit to this viewport [x0,y0,x1,y1]
secondaryInteractive boolean <optional>
When this is a secondary image in split screen, allow independent navigating
noFollow boolean <optional>
When this is a secondary image, don't follow the main image's navigation
shaderFragment string <optional>
A custom fragment shader
shaderVertex string <optional>
A custom vertex shader
antialias boolean <optional>
Use WebGL antialiasing
preview boolean <optional>
Use to get JSON data
Micrio arguments settings
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
autorotate boolean Auto rotate this 360 image
closeTop boolean Vertically stretch the image to a full sphere if the image is not 2:1 ratio
video MicrioInfo360VideoSettingsData <optional>
A 360 video object
centerX360 number <optional>
The horizontalpercentage [0-1] which is considered the center of the image
orientation number The Y-orientation in degrees of how the picture was taken
direction number <optional>
The Y-direction in degrees to face in on load
isVideo boolean Boolean whether this is a 360 video
rotation number The Y-direction in degrees from STUDIO.360
Micrio 360 settings data
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
video VideoAssetData <optional>
Optional video asset object
subtitle string <optional>
Optional SRT asset uri
preview boolean Show a low-res image preview of the first frame while loading video
autoplay boolean Try to autoplay the video
muted boolean The video is muted
loop boolean Loop the video
controls boolean Show video player controls
Micrio 360 video settings data
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
id string The image id, required
settings MicrioInfoSettingsData <optional>
Custom image settings
container HTMLElement <optional>
Create the Micrio instance in this HTML element (default: <body>)
canvas HTMLCanvasElement <optional>
Specify your own <canvas> element for WebGL rendering
path string <optional>
The image base path URI (default:
guid string <optional>
An optional image GUID
width number <optional>
The original image width (default: autoloaded)
height number <optional>
The original image height (default: autoloaded)
tileSize number <optional>
The original tile size in px (default: autoloaded)
tilesId string <optional>
Use an alternative image ID for the image tiles
title string <optional>
The image title (default: autoloaded)
slug string <optional>
The image slug (default: autoloaded)
lang string <optional>
The image data language (default: autoloaded)
cultures string <optional>
The available image data languages, comma-separated (default: autoloaded)
is360 boolean <optional>
The image is 360 degrees
isWebP boolean <optional>
The image tiles are in WebP format
isPng boolean <optional>
The image tiles are in PNG format
isDeepZoom boolean <optional>
The image is a DeepZoom (dz) image
isSecondary boolean <optional>
The image is secondary image in a split-screen configuration
format boolean <optional>
A custom format (like 'dz' for DeepZoom)
extension string <optional>
Optional custom file extension
isIIIF boolean <optional>
This is a IIIF formatted image
tiles Array.<!Object.<string, number>> <optional>
The IIIF spec'd `tiles` object
sources string <optional>
Multiple IIIF-spec'd sources
version number <optional>
The Micrio version this image was created in
noLevel0 boolean <optional>
Don't initialize the deepest zoomlevel for this image
startView Array.<number> <optional>
The starting view [x0,y0,x1,y1] (default: [0,0,1,1])
spaceId string <optional>
Id of Micrio Spaces project
rotation number <optional>
Optional 360 rotation
data MicrioData <optional>
Optional Micrio culture data
organisation MicrioOrganisationData <nullable>
Optional organisation data
Micrio info data
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
markerIcon string <optional>
The uri of the default marker icon
markerColor string <optional>
The default marker color
markerSize string <optional>
The default marker size in px
zoomOutAfterClose boolean <optional>
Zoom out when closing a marker
showTitles boolean <optional>
Show the titles for all markers on hover
titlesNoScale boolean <optional>
Don't scale titles if marker is scaling
staticPopups boolean <optional>
All marker popups are static
staticMobilePopups boolean <optional>
All marker popups are static on mobile
viewportIsMarker boolean <optional>
All markers are sized to their viewports
embedsInHtml boolean <optional>
All marker embeds are printed in HTML, not WebGL
Micrio marker settings data
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Description
_markers MicrioInfoMarkerSettingsData <optional>
Optional marker settings
_meta CustomJSON <optional>
Freeform custom JSON settings
_360 MicrioInfo360SettingsData <optional>
Optional settings for 360 images/video
legacyTiles boolean <optional>
Use this for old (<1.8) versions of Micrio
infoUrl string <optional>
Use a custom uri for the info json file
preview boolean <optional>
Use for all JSON calls
opacity number <optional>
Start the image in this opacity
static boolean <optional>
This is a static, non-animated image
thumbSrc string <optional>
Use a custom thumbnail image uri
singleSource string <optional>
Use a custom, single source uri for the zoomable image / video
autoInit boolean <optional>
Automatically initialize the image (defaults to true)
initType string <optional>
The starting viewport. Possible values ['cover'|'contain']. Defaults to 'contain'
lazyload boolean <optional>
Initialize the loading when the container is scrolled into view (default: false)
noExternals boolean <optional>
Don't load any custom JS or CSS scripts
skipMeta boolean <optional>
Don't load metadata (markers, tours, etc)
fadeBetween boolean <optional>
Do a crossfade when navigating between images (default: true)
type string <optional>
A non-standard image type. Currently supported ['dz']
camspeed number <optional>
The camera animation speed (default: 1)
keepRendering boolean <optional>
Don't stop drawing frames when idle
limitToCoverScale boolean <optional>
The user cannot zoom out more than a fully covered view
restrict Array.<number> <optional>
Restrict navigation to this viewport ([x0,y0,x1,y1])
focus Array.<number> <optional>
Load the image focussed on this coordinate ([x, y])
view Array.<number> <optional>
The starting viewport ([x0,y0,x1,y1])
zoomLimit number <optional>
The maximum zoom level in % of the original (default: 1)
zoomLimitDPRFix boolean <optional>
Adjust the maximum zoom of high DPI screens to that of regular displays
repeatX boolean <optional>
Infinitely repeat the image horizontally
freeMove boolean <optional>
Allow the user to pan and zoom out of image bounds
resetView boolean <optional>
When navigating back to this image, reset the initial view
watchAreaAttr boolean <optional>
Dynamically watch the "area" HTML-attribute for updating the viewport
noRetina boolean <optional>
Turn off support for high DPI screens
noOffset boolean <optional>
Disregard any relative page placement of the Micrio HTML element
hookEvents boolean <optional>
Hook user events (default: true)
hookKeys boolean <optional>
Hook keyboard controls (default: false)
noZoom boolean <optional>
Don't allow the user to zoom in or out
hookScroll boolean <optional>
Use the mousewheel or trackpad scrolling for zooming (default: true)
hookPinch boolean <optional>
Allow pinch to zoom on touch devices (default: true)
hookDrag boolean <optional>
Allow panning through the image (default: true)
dragElasticity number <optional>
Kinetic dragging sensitivity (default: 1)
trackState boolean <optional>
Update the URL with current viewport and active marker/tour
twoFingerPan boolean <optional>
Force two-finger panning on touch devices (default: false)
controlZoom boolean <optional>
Force using the CTRL/CMD-keys to zoom in using scrolling (default: false)
noUI boolean <optional>
Don't load any UI elements
noControls boolean <optional>
Don't show any controls in the UI
fullscreen boolean <optional>
Show a fullscreen button if supported
noLogo boolean <optional>
Don't show the Micrio logo on the top left
noOrgLogo boolean <optional>
Don't show the organisation logo on the top right
noToolbar boolean <optional>
Don't show the menu bar with tours and custom pages
noScaler boolean <optional>
Don't show a measurement scaler if physical sizes are known
showInfo boolean <optional>
Show an info modal with the image title and description
social boolean <optional>
Show a social sharing button
backgroundColor boolean <optional>
The default background color (default: transparent)
alwaysShowMinimap boolean <optional>
Don't fade out the minimap (default: false)
minimap boolean <optional>
Show the minimap (default: true)
minimapWidth number <optional>
The minimap maximum width, in px (default: 200)
minimapHeight number <optional>
The minimap maximum height, in px (default: 160)
doTourJumps boolean <optional>
More natural camera zooming animation during transitions
audio boolean <optional>
Enable the audio controller (default: true)
audioElement HTMLAudioElement <optional>
A custom HTML <audio> element used to play marker and tour audio
forceAudio boolean <optional>
Force initializing the audio controller
startVolume number <optional>
The starting audio volume [0-1] (default: 1)
musicVolume number <optional>
The music audio volume [0-1] (default: 1)
mutedVolume number <optional>
The audio volume when other media is playing [0-1] (default: 0)
muteOnBlur boolean <optional>
Mute the audio when the current browser tab loses focus
markersScale boolean <optional>
All markers are scaled
clusterMarkers boolean <optional>
Overlapping markers are clustered
cmPerPx number <optional>
The physical resolution of the object in cm per px
cmWidth number <optional>
The physical width of the object in cm
cmHeight number <optional>
The physical height of the object in cm
mapLimit Array.<number> <optional>
When using a map, limit to this viewport [x0,y0,x1,y1]
micrioSplitLink string <optional>
A static split-screen Micrio Image ID
secondaryInteractive boolean <optional>
When this is a secondary image in split screen, allow independent navigating
noFollow boolean <optional>
When this is a secondary image, don't follow the main image's navigation
shaderFragment string <optional>
A custom fragment shader
shaderVertex string <optional>
A custom vertex shader
antialias boolean <optional>
Use WebGL antialiasing
Micrio settings
  • Object


Name Type Description
href string The asset href
JS/CSS asset
  • Object


Micrio Organisation data
  • Object


Name Type Description
id string The image id
title string The image title
slug string The image slug
is360 boolean Image is 360
links Array.<string> The linked Micrio IDs
Micrio space data
  • Object


Name Type Description
images Array.<MicrioSpaceImage> The space image infos
slug string The zone slug
name string The zone name
Micrio space data
  • Object


Name Type Description
fileUrl string The video asset url
Video JSON data
  • Object